Dark Light

That’s Sundaze #39 and it will sooth your mind. Perfect timing with the snow falls here in Paris, France. We have a bunch of the coolest artists, bands at the moment… All pretty much very new and creating some kind of ‘buzz’ on the inter webz. Special mention to Plaid Dragon, EOTY (Employee Of The Year) and FAUVE for their wonderful tracks. You can download the entire playlist in ZIP format for iPod, iPhone, and other mobile device loving. Artwork this week was designed by Paul Grelet again and quite frankly know what he’s doing ! Obviously. We love it. Get yo’ self to his website for more… Get on these crazy dollops of loveliness awaiting… Same method as always :

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Stream/Listen to the playlist right now :

Sundaze #39 by Sodwee B. on Grooveshark

Tracklist :

  1. FAUVE – Kané
  2. Cayucas – Cayucos
  3. Plaid Dragon – SoND
  4. Wild Belle – It’s Too Late (Employee Of The Year Remix)
  5. Sailor & I – Tough Love (Wize remix)
  6. Ideogram – The Sea Inside
  7. Plaid Dragon – Dog Physics
  8. Max Pope – If I Sleep on the Floor
  9. BEΔCH HEΔRT – Small Song
  10. Wild Belle – It’s Too Late
  11. FAUVE – 4.000 Îles
  12. MØ – Glass
  13. Chromeo – Fancy Footwork (Mooginizer’s Mug Shot Remix)
  14. Coksinelle – Tele 90

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