Dark Light

From Seattle, Washington I introduce you to Sabzi, one of these crazy one-off producer with limitless talent to giveaway. And boy does Sabzi, a.k.a. Alexei Saba (his real name), give truck loads of it away, literaly. As a matter of fact you can decide how much you wish to support his efforts for via Bandcamp. This guy is truly a tsunami of real good hip-hop, instrumental beats and some rad collabs’ thrown in for good measure. He’s also the filter-glove behind the production of such proeminent ensembles as Blue Scholars, Common Market as well as some of Seattle’s finest acts Macklemore, grynch or Bambu to name a few.. You can feel his sounds simmer to a boiling climax on the latest number he’s put out only a week ago with this brilliant mixtape called “”  including this hypnotizing track appropriately named ‘Pop It In’ made with Kelsey Bulkin, the other half in a duo called Made In Heights (based out of Los Angeles). Be sure to give ‘Mantis’ a spin too :

[title subtitle=”Play / Download these two tracks below”]Made In Heights[/title]

Download : MADE IN HEIGHTS – Pop It In 

Download : MADE IN HEIGHTS – Mantis [separator type=”double”]

Sabzi - Made In Heights - sodwee.com

Sometimes our dreams are so brilliant and our desires so mysterious that we lock them deep inside ourselves to feed and play with only when we sleep…  As if acknowledging them in waking life will betray the veil of control we shroud around our lives.   But sooner or later every thought becomes manifest, and every dream finds a way into this world, whether by will or by war.

The Heights started as a series of hang outs in New York where we would walk a lot, and talk a lot, and eat at bodegas.  We explored the wilderness of our ideas, the steep and elegant climbs of our imagination, the desires we had trapped inside of us, and the murky mistakes that seem imperative to the process of becoming true….

We’re based in Los Angeles now.  We’re not finished.

Follow Sabzi on : FacebookSoundcloudTwitterBandcamp | www

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