Dark Light

Hey Hey Hey ! Ready for some chuuuuunes ? Huh ? I bet you are. and I can also foresee a Pharrell x Daft Overload in the coming weeks. To the point where we would puke no matter what comes from their direction. Good or fucking bad. They sure know how to keep themselves to the top of the charts. However, we have some pretty impressive acts in our Sundaze #86 (nb : sorry for the little delay in upping this playlist, we had to be elsewhere and couldn’t manage to get it up in time). But alas, it’s available now right here in .zip format for the masses :

Thanks to Paul Grelet for keeping up with the amazing work, he’s a busy dude these days, so we appreciate your consistency… Visit his portfolio right here to check out his work and enjoy your day, wherever you might be…

Sundaze #86

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