Dark Light

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You gotta love HumanHuman and the fantastic community there who dig up some real true goodies. This morning, I was trolling on the social platform and came across this very well done debut track by Teddy Au Top. It’s called “Words” and it is your perfect mid-week winter warmer : Like a beloved hot water-bottle you would place on every uncovered part of your body a minute at a time… At times putting yourself in ridiculous positions underneath your duvet-cover. Well this track feels just about the same.

After further investigation about the freshly baked track, I had to share and know a little more before I could realistically publish something here. So I stalked Conor Fitzpatrick and proceeded to undertake a full-on cyber hold-up for information. Yeah, these days it’s getting harder and harder to even have the smallest piece of information from artists, so music bloggers tend to rely solely on their impressions, the three letter word that acts as a name along with the abstract cover art that came in the mail. Not with Conor Fitzpatrick though, he’s quite the talkative/genuinely outgoing Irish guy you’d meet on a corner pub… We started chatting and well I found out he was an Northern Irishman, who studied and worked in Paris, then moved onto Denmark. In Copenhagen to be precise.

Creatively speaking and for his first EP (still to be released), Conor met everyone who collaborated for his track in the City Of Lights : Paris and recorded the EP in Gothenburg, Sweden with Anders Lagerfors, the swedish producer. Also happens that he has produced and collaborated with band Pale Honey).  Joachim Larraldethe illustrator is the guy behind these wicked cover artworks (go forth and check his Tumblr page)… Show a little Like/Love while you’re at it. 😉

Teddy Au Top is mainly inspired by the daily grind of life, people, friends, striking and less striking conversations, even moments he could have had. Anything goes really, so long as relationships and love topics stay out (he’s not very fond of them). Also stating that way too many songs are about love these days… Listen to the debut track (above) and follow his online profiles to get updated…

Follow Teddy Au Top on : Facebook | Soundcloud | BandcampTwitter

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