Dark Light

Morniiiiinnnng campers, it’s Sunday, just past 11am here in Paris ! Ain’t it cool to be back with our most popular post over the year ?! You’ve been downloading the past issues like crazy so it was time we delivered another volume of the notorious Sundaze Playlist complete with a brilliant Paul Grelet artwork to illustrate this week’s edition… The cover pictures a budding French ‘artist’ that hasn’t quite made it to the top yet, hopefully one day he’ll be topping those French charts. Seems pretty unlikely thought, so we’ve put him front and center as a gesture. We will not name him. If by any chance you know who we’re keeping away from your ears, we’ll publish a whole post about him. Deal ? Let us know in the comment section !

Anyway, we’re enjoying our time here in Paris, getting ready for the summer season of Festivals, prepping some cool stuff for you guys. In the meantime you can of course delve in the brilliance that is this week’s Sundaze #143… Download at will, either as a .ZIP archive (recommended) or individually track by track below… (read instructions further down…)

Enjoy, have fun wherever you’re at… Don’t forget to share this with your friends… and donate a little love via Paypal (scroll down) so we can keep posting cool stuff…

Best, Ben.

Sundaze #143 – #Droledeboulevaaaard

Either download the .ZIP file, listen/stream each track individually below, or even download ONE track or many by “right-clicking” then “saving target as” as you hover over the track list below… A normal click on a given track will play/stream it.

Sundaze #143 - art by Paul Grelet, visit paulgrelet.com for more...


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