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The fantastic trio from Bergen in Norway Great News are back today to release their newest single “TOLD” to the masses and have yet another brilliant slice of daze-pop to share with you. The guys are signed to record label Eget Selskap and have toured a fair bit in support of their impressive output since 2015 when Even KjelbyKim Åge Furuhaug and Ole Kristian Einarsen formed the band with clear influences from Tame Impala and MGMT in mind. They’ve been apart of SPOT Festival in Aarhus, played at KOKO in London, Øya in Olso and many other shows in Scandinavia.

The previous single we covered “Wonderfault” came out to critical acclaim from many of the most influential music blogs out there. It was soon followed by “Never Get My Love” another brilliant track. They continue with the tradition in 2018 and deliver TOLD in their signature sound and attitude.

You’ll be able to catch Great News live too this year, as their slotted to appear Eurosonic, Nordic Delight and Bad Vibrations amongst others… Don’t miss them. In the meantime, listen to “TOLD” below:

Great News on the track “Told”:

Told is the first song we actually wrote – it’s been with us since the beginning. It tells the story of people struggling to obtain success fast, in order to live the dream life they think they want, while giving up on what they originally dreamt of doing with their lives. We all had a dream when we were young adults. But it’s hard to stay focused when everyone keeps telling you that it’s not possible or sustainable. And of course, sometimes that might be true, but it’s sad that it keeps people from trying.

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