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If you’d like your music considered for a feature on this music blog, go ahead follow these simple steps to a successful submission. We tend to publish music we like to defend. Music we enjoy. A quick browse through the blog will give you a sense of the editorial.

If you have physical demos, records, CDs or merch you’d like to send us via post (we always like to receive stuff via snail mail, gives extra brownie points…): Please use the form below… We’d be happy to provide you our full details.

We get hundreds of submissions every single day, we’ll eventually get to yours but won’t necessarily reply unless we’re interested in featuring your track on the blog. Please be patient. If you haven’t got time on your side, please consider submitting your new track via the amazing service offered by our pals over at Submithub or an EP via HumanHuman. You’ll get a guaranteed and timely response (usually 48hrs turnaround) with feedback.

Best. Ben.


  • Make sure you provide social links (Twitter, Facebook & Instagram…).
  • We prefer embeddable Soundcloud players (set to public) as we are indexed by The Hype Machine. Helps your promotion effort.
  • Please include a link to a hi-res/large photo, illustration or cover art for us to use in our potential feature.
  • Remain concise and straight to the point in your message with a short blurb on your project, a short bio, a few fun facts maybe and a quote on your submission will be just fine. There is no need for a novel.
  • Have some tour dates coming up in Paris, France or the area? Do let us know!
  • We will not cover, remixes, covers, reworks, edits tracks. We will not cover EDM, Americana, Country, Instrumental and Holiday specials on Sodwee.com.
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