Dark Light

Melting ice creams are a sin. Sundaes are a sin. Sundaze however are just the God-sent gift one could possibly hope for. Thanks for downloading this selection week after week. And thanks again to Paul Grelet for providing us with the means to look daper everytime. Show it off to your friends, you’re listening to some awesome new bands you’ll hear a hell a lot about in the next few months (remember London Grammar ? Twigs ? LION Babe ? Moko ? SOHN ? Chvrches … etc look at where they are at nowadays… We’re surely getting something right somewhere… no ?)

This week is no different…

Finally make sure you like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to get the latest on the best new tracks around as we carry on digging during the week… You’ll get prime cut on the awesomeness we come across !

Sundaze #66

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