Dark Light

A new day in Dub-Dub, a new adventure. I woke up in a spasm today, eyes wide open in a nanosecond. To my misfortune, I had not put the air-conditionning on for the night, thus waking up in a horrible hot bedroom. The waking up process over. I decided to take a tour of the flat and see what I needed to buy to stock up. I made myself a little list that went like this :

  • Binbags
  • Mop
  • Bucket
  • Cleaning product
  • Pot noodles
  • Listerine Coolmints (the ones that dissolve on your tongue)
  • Anti-perspirant
  • TimeOut Dubai

So I got ready and around 3 hours later I was OK to step out the flat and wonder 400 metres South East to the LIFCO supermarket to purchase all these items. Got myself a basket and dumped everything in it (forgetting the binbags, but I’ll make use of the zillions plastic bags we have here). Climbed the few steps to the upper level to sort myself out with a brand new mop and bucket. That’s where trouble starts.

I stood in front of the mops for around 10 minutes not knowing which one to choose. I must of looked like a stupid dork but I was clueless. “Should I go for the fluffy one with pink feathers ? Or should I stay on the low key and grab the grey one with micro-fibres that absorb 2.5 litres of water in one dip ??? Or maybe this flat one with a cloth…”. They have many options, each one of them doing something the other doesn’t ! How a 20 year old, with no knowledge in mops & buckets can ease his way through the choices ? It’s a real dilemma. I didn’t want to ask a staff member, because this would of been the most shameful thing to do. In the end I picked up the low key one. Remember I had to walk back up Sheik Zayed Road, and being seen with a mop assorted with feathers is not the best of sights in the UAE… Now the bucket, they had a few there too. By that time I was hungry for pot noodles so I decided to pick the first one that came to hand. Checked out and walked at a rapid pace up to my building. Thank god no one I knew saw me…

In other exilerating news, I’ve changed some of the logos, all you need to do to view them is change page or refresh…. Of course that’s if you have anything else to do with your day !

Voilà. That was today’s post ! Fab innit ?

  1. the Mop dilemma…….one of the most profound questions since “to be or not to be”……mother and father of sodwee advise son of sodwee to “listen to your heart, suspend reality and let mind move with the elements”…….old Chinese prohvahb sez “good karma mean right mop give clean floors….

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