Dark Light

Just two weeks ago we introduced Giungla, an Italian artist from Bologna, with summer induced vibes off her first offering “Cold”. Today after having stormed the hype machine charts, and turning many music blogs head over heels.

Emanuela Drei took the witty decision to release a second track from her 4 track forthcoming debut EP “Camo” due out on May 20th via the ever on-point Factory Flaws label.

“Forest” is a gritty electro-pop anthem with a pounding beat. Like it was made from recording the powerful machines of ancient factories in the italian industrial ring. Or even the loud repeated rhythm a steam-powered railway engine would sound like on a track. Something very distinct when it clashes with the soft, silk-like voice of Emanuela Drei’s delivery.

Giungla says of the track Forest:

‘Forest’ is about a recurring dream. It’s dedicated to a very important person of my family who suffers from a serious mental illness, who’s stuck seeing things that don’t exist, feeling haunted and living in some sort of constant fear.

[title maintitle=”Passport” subtitle=”previous tracks from Giungla”]

[imagebox maintitle=”Camo EP” subtitle=”Pre-order via Factory Flaws” image=”http://sodwee.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/GIUNGLA2.jpg” color=”white” space=”160″ link=”http://www.factoryflaws.net/shop/vinyl/giungla-camo-ep/”]

Follow Giungla on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Twitter | Instagram | Factory Flaws

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