Dark Light

I’m a little behind on the schedule here. Forgive me. I’m trying to catch up as much as I can. Here’s a brand new track from Easton Schirra a.k.a. EASTON all the way from Los Angeles.

When EASTON isn’t creating in other projects like photography or taking charge of his creative studio. EASTON drops interesting sounds like his newest track “Marilyn”. You’ll like the soft, slow approach of the instrumental, and the unique sounding vocals on offer here. Take a listen:

EASTON says a little more on his creative process:

I’ve found that the more I write, the more I’m drawn to expressing fluidity in my work. For so long I have wondered why I’m so drawn to the ocean. It’s more than our bodies being made up of water – it’s the freedom of its waves. I know that being fluid is an essential part of who I am. Defining yourself by society’s “labels” is so limiting and trying to fit yourself into one box is a disservice when you have the whole ocean. Im lucky to have grown into the kind of person and artist who is open to a constant cycle of growth, knowing that we are ever-changing. Not afraid of judgement…Letting it flow through you. Swim in the many pools of yourself.

Follow EASTON on : Facebook | TwitterSoundcloudInstagram

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