Dark Light

Mother popped her head through the door saying “It’s been ever so long you played this (refering to the awesome ‘Valerie’ track blaring across the flat). Do you know why ?? Well I’m playing a live recording of Misses Winehouse rather loudly on this grey Saturday afternoon and reading Facebook statuses flowing in my newstream of how disappointing her show was last night in Dubai. And my point is. If you had been wiser in your ticket purchases you would of opted for Clapton who was playing in Yas Marina on the same night because, every one knows full and well she IS’NT up to par yet on the rehab/health side and just spending money to go and see someone who appears on stage with agoraphobia of some sort, to open a show in front of an already sick crowd, who is here to be able to say next Sunday (yep equivalent of a monday in Dubai) at the office : “Jeee Wino was a wreck Jane you have no idea” … and to be honest, I won’t be surprised if AH!LAN or whatever that tabloid is called makes a cover on her wrecked show. But khalas, she doesn’t flippin care. She can’t be bothered. Give the lady a chance. Sensible gig-goers were going to see Eric Clapton last night. NOT AMY WINEHOUSE. And please do not come moaning afterwards. It’s just plain boring. Yeah I know who was going to see Wino on Friday night : it was the Jumeira Jane in you, yes, that ugly biatch in you, hell yes, someone who Winehouse depicts quite amazingly in the song : “FUCK ME PUMP”…

So to spark a little more disgust in you, I’m offering you today a live recording of Amy Winehouse at her best (recorded in Amsterdam’s Paradiso a while back now).  Jump the picture to download the entire set :

Download track-by-track or get the entire ZIP file :

[download id=”338″] [download id=”325,326,327,328,329,330,331,332,333,334,335,336,337″]

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