Dark Light

It’s been an amazing week for music. We had plenty to cover, got some treats in the pipeline you’ll be able to enjoy a few days down the line. No word on anything yet, but rest assured, we’ve never done what we’re about to unleash upon you guys, it’s a first for us and the news is pretty damn awesome ! And while we’re into updates, how do you like the NEW LOGO ? Tell us in the comment section …

Anyways, we’re here for Sundaze #121 with great artwork by the one and only Paul Grelet. And we’ve packed it with mainly new tracks. Some reworks, edits and remix and some exclusive content. So go forth and download your free 17-track copy today, take it to iTunes, and blast your afternoon with the coolest free playlist around !

Also, last little thing. We’re dedicated to bringing the best music, and only the best music to your ears. It really takes a good part of my life and getting to pay a few bills is getting harder by the day. If you think the website deserves it, then a donation would be greatly appreciated. It’ll help us cover the hosting expenses, domain name etc… as well as buying coffee to keep us fuelled up through most nights !! Any amount is accepted : We’ve capped the maximum donation at 20 euros. If you feel super generous and want to donate more please get in touch with me ;-).

Thanks guys ! Have a great Sundaze…

Best, Ben.

Original artwork designed by Paul Grelet . We thank him again, and like every week, we cannot push you enough to give his portfolio a visit. He’s an ol’friend of ours and a great artist all round. We think highly of his work and friendship. So go forth and check his work out : www.paulgrelet.com

Either download the .ZIP file, listen/stream each track individually below, or even download ONE track or many by “right-clicking” then “saving target as” as you hover over the track list below… A normal click on a given track will play /stream it.

Sundaze #121

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