Dark Light

So, we’re back on our quest to “Bringing Brazilian Back” (as Justin Timberlake would say) after previously featuring the likes of Tulipa Ruiz, Criolo, Turtle Giant, CSS or even Marcelo D2. Today we highly suggest Silva. Wesley’s tip for very new, Brazilian indie MPB… They’re getting some momentum in his home country (Brazil) using clear aesthetic appeal to highlight certain instruments on each song, Lúcio Silva very recently launched their self-titled EP after a first release called “Claridão” (thanks Gabi). Mixing indie rock with the edges of Popular Brazilian Music (MPB), his EP is a wonderful chill, perfect for decompressing and getting rid of hypoxic/hangover leftovers from that high-octane life you’re probably leading. Listen below… Direto de Paris, com muito carinho :

  1. Silva – 12 De Maio
  2. Silva – A Visita
  3. Silva – Cansei

Follow Silva on : Facebook | Twitter

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