Dark Light

As trends come and go as fast as having enough time to say “Wow!” these days, I felt compelled to ask the very artists we feature on sodwee.com one simple question… And we got our answers pretty swiftly. We have more loaded-up but we’re turning this into a weekly feature. That’s how good the response was… Stay tuned next week for our next >TRCKD feature. Try guessing who, leave your guesses in the comment section.

“List five new / up-and-coming acts (artists or bands) that you think deserve more exposure. Brownie Points if they are from your area !”

First up with the task is Oyinda, whom we introduced earlier last week. She is the busy gal at the moment, so we totally appreciate her taking the time to think of these artists for us. Here’s what she came up with in our first installment of >TRCKD (tracked) :

Liner notes by Oyinda: “All dear friends of mine, and brilliant artists.


[title subtitle=””]Oyinda Recommends[/title]

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Follow Oyinda on : Facebook | Soundcloud | Instagram | Twitter | www

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