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I think we’ve just uncovered the reincarnation of John Lennon in our modern days. Vancouver born singer-songwriter Tobias Jesso Jr is just an inexplicable mystery, that to this day still has not been resolved, we’ve been waiting for such a singer for so long. Flocks of curly hair precede his stunning songwriting abilities. His voice lingers, only to be taken over by the cleverest lyrics we’ve heard in a while. We totally dig his tunes. Those timeless hits in fact, because that’s what they are. And as one said on a thread over at HumanHuman.com, “he’s like a mentally healthy Daniel Johnston” with the force of delivery only Lennon would output. And I find that to be a perfect description of what you’re about to witness with La Blogothèque’s exclusive video below where a seemingly frail, lonely Tobias Jesso Jr manages to quiet the entire surrounding audience (in a busy, loud Los Angeles bar nonetheless) in the space of two remarkable songs : “Without You” and “Just A Dream”.

[title subtitle=”by La Blogothèque in Kibitz Room, Los Angeles”]WATCH : WITHOUT YOU & JUST A DREAM[/title]

His forthcoming album has been produced by JR White (former Girls), it’s due out early 2015. He recently signed to a New York based independent record label : True Panther Sounds.

[title subtitle=””]PICTURES[/title]

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